Monday, September 30, 2019

Animal Kingdom 54

Animal Kingdom Humans have always had an interaction with animals since the beginning of time. They hunted animals for survival, and humans were their prey. However, scientists believe that our ancient relatives â€Å"treated the animals with respect. †(Stetson). So why do we continue to consume and brutally murder, and torture animals for the means of food and clothing when there is this claim to â€Å"love† and â€Å"care for† animals? We should treat all animals with kindness and respect. We should learn to understand them and not treat them as equals.We owe it to animals to show empathy and treat them better to become better people at heart. Animals such as dogs or cats kept as pets hold strong companionships with their owners in our society. Some humans consider animals to be mindless while others don’t, but I believe that they are capable of love, emotion, and thought process. Although, animals do not speak a language we can understand we can certain ly see their intelligence. They’re capable of unconditional love and learning. Humans should have respect to our fellow non human animals.There are so many animals that serve a purpose in this life than just being a pet or for a means of food or entertainment. Dogs, for example are particularly helpful as certified service animals to help the blind. There are stories all over the nation of the selfless acts animals perform to save humans from death or accidents. Hurting poor defenseless animals is just cruel and inhumane and really says a lot about the person’s character that would actually do such a thing. The characteristics of animals are similar to those of humans.They care for their young just like human parents nurture their young. They’re capable of showing affection, happiness, and sadness. So how is that not proof of feeling? Animals have different characteristics just like those similar to humans. But they rely more on animal instinct than anything els e. We as humans rely more on logic. Animal abuse happens all over through various forms such as animal entertainment, animal testing, and hunting. These animals that are being used in the media industry, fights, circuses, and lab testing are treated poorly and these events sometimes even lead to death.What do these actions say about humans? How can we carry out these inhumane acts where animals are being hunted for their fur, tusks, and feathers? People who are associated with trading animals for consumption treat the animals most cruelly. Those individuals care more about their profits than treating animals with respect. â€Å"We know what we see on undercover videos of factory farms and slaughterhouses is wrong. (There are those who will defend a system that allows for occasional animal cruelty, but no one defends the cruelty, itself. )† (Foer 431).I don’t believe that eating meat can actually be a form of animal abuse, but â€Å"We have so internalized this behavio r-â€Å"meat†-eating-that we do not even recognize it as a choice, but rather blindly accept it as a normal and necessary way of life; â€Å"meat† consumption is ‘just the way it is. ’† (Garbato). No one should be forced to stop eating animal â€Å"meat† because it is a choice that we all have. â€Å"Food is not rational. Food is culture, habit, craving and identity. † (Foer 431). The horrific treatments of animals in factories which are later bought for consumption should have stricter regulations.Animals shouldn’t have to suffer and be tortured in so many ways for our essentials. â€Å"100 years ago, animals were considered nothing more than possessions; the properties of humans. No thought was ever given as to how the animals felt. Nothing was done to prevent the suffering of animals. † (Angelicguides). Many animals are still considered possessions, and are dying for a means of meeting the population’s needs for food, entertainment, clothing etc. There has got to be a better way to be more humane towards defenseless animals.Cruelty towards animals reflects our true character and we should strive to be more kind. We should learn from animals and experience the same peace they live in on a daily basis. â€Å"But I might learn something of mindlessness, something of the purity of living in the physical senses and the dignity of living without bias or motive. † (Dillard 351). For that reason we should treat animals with respect and kindness because they can show us the true beauty of life and I think we can learn how to become better people.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

John Fitzgerald Kennedy was one of the most influential and beloved President’s of United States history.   However, his death is shrouded in mystery.   When all is said and done, conspiracy theorists have left virtually no stone unturned in an attempt to explain the tragedy of November 22, 1963.   Clearly Lee Harvey Oswald was present and did shoot a gun.   But did his bullet kill JFK?   Did he act alone?   Many people have their own ideas of what really happened that day.One common theory is that the Cuban government ordered a hit on the President.   The President had attempted to invade Cuba, and though the plan failed, Castro knew that further plans were in the works.   Likewise, Kennedy had made several unsuccessful attempts on Castro’s life.  Ã‚   Getting rid of Kennedy would certainly enable Castro to keep control of Cuba (Anders 1993).A similar theory is that anti-Castro Cubans killed Kennedy.   Perhaps they were hoping that if the suspicion were focused on Castro, America would demand retaliation.   Later, evidence seemed to surface from a former Castro operative that Oswald was actually hired by the Cuban government (Anders 1993, McAdams 2004).   With Oswald’s death, the facts of these reports could not be verified, though Castro staunchly denies this report.Similarly, Russia, the US cold war opponent, was bothered by JFK’s youth and erratic nature.   He would be capable of elevating the cold war to a full blown World War III.   With the introduction of nuclear technology, the fear of a US strike on Russia was also a concern.   Therefore, the Russians planned the assassination.   In a related theory, this order came from Nikita Khrushchev himself (Anders 1993).Another popular theory is that the mafia ordered a hit on Kennedy.   Initially, some big name crime bosses such as Sam Giancana worked with Jimmy Hoffa and the teamsters to get President Kennedy elected, particularly through votes in Ohio ( Unfortunately, President Kennedy and his brother Robert Kennedy, the US Attorney General, had later stepped up prosecutions of mafia members to an unprecedented high (Odoni 2005; McAdams 2004) J. Edgar Hoover, who was not friendly with President Kennedy, was due to be forced into retirement from his position of the Director of the FBI.Hoover had a history of neglecting to prosecute mafia members.   His retirement would mean mean the end of these favors, especially if JFK appointed his brother Robert to that position. After Kennedy’s death, Hoover remained as the head of the FBI for ten more years. During that time, mafia prosecutions fell dramatically. James Files, a mafia hit man, actually confessed to the murder, indicating that Giancana had ordered the hit.   Oswald’s killer, Jack Ruby, was a small time gangster with a few major mafia connections.   He could have killed Oswald to silence him (Odoni 2005).Two equally argued theories that are more alarmin g are those that implicate the United States itself.   Many suspect Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson.   He gained the Presidency after Kennedy’s death, though he was not liked by the public; Kennedy was planning to drop Johnson from his ticket in 1964.   He was involved in four major criminal investigations involving bribery, money laundering, contract violations and misappropriation of funds, at the time of Kennedy’s death.In fact, Kennedy often complained that he had been manipulated into appointing Johnson by the FBI and that Johnson acted as a spy for J. Edgar Hoover.   After he became President, Johnson’s criminal investigations were dropped (Ayton no date). Another US based theory is that the CIA itself had killed the President to cover up or redirect attention from its new practice of assassinating foreign leaders.   The Church Committee was formed to look into this possible scandal but concluded that while the CIA was increasing in national and international power, it was not responsible for the death of the President (Ayton no date).The Warren Commission heard testimony from 552 witnesses and 10 federal agencies over the span of 10 months as it investigated the assassination and all the related conspiracy theories.   Published in October of 1964, it concluded that, basically, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, shooting three bullets from the sixth floor window of the Texas School Book Depository (McAdams 2004).The single bullet that wounded Connally and killed JFK hit him from behind as the motorcade passed by the Depository. However, the issue has not been laid to rest.   Four of the seven members of the investigatory team seemed to indicate skepticism about the Commissions findings (McAdams 2004).   Several individual pieces of the Commission's findings also have been called into question since its completion.Kennedy was struck by two bullets.   One hit him in the back, and one hit him in the head.   The second h it killed the President.   The single bullet theory was born because Oswald’s gun would not have been able to fire fast enough to hit both Kennedy and Connally with separate shots (McAdams 2004).However, the idea that a single bullet traveled through Kennedy’s back, exited his throat, passed through the seat of a car, entered Connally’s back, exited his chest, passed through his wrist and entered his thigh has been seriously questioned by evidence from eye witnesses, including passenger Nellie Connally, and forensic evidence (McAdams 2004) Now this theory is known as the magic bullet theory.   The bullet which had such an incredible journey ended up on a hospital stretcher in near pristine condition (McAdams 2004).Medical examinations and missing x-rays and autopsy pictures also add to the mystery.   Kennedy was taken first to Dallas’ Parkland Hospital where 44 doctors and medical staffers claimed that the exit wound was at the back of JFK’s head.   This would have been impossible if the shot came from the Depository and lended itself to the grassy knoll theory (Odoni 2005).However, two doctors at Bethesda Medical Center, the second hospital Kennedy was taken to, reported that the exit would was at the front of the head (McAdams, 2004).   Why then did over 44 doctors and medical staffers claim that the wound was at the rear of the head?   X-rays that a Parkland Hospital technician claims to have taken have never been found.   Pictures of the autopsy that emerged up to four years after the assassination are suspicious and do not match accounts given by witnesses.All in all, the Warren Commission seemed to ignore 44 doctors and 20 eye-witnesses at the murder scene.   Other evidence was destroyed.   Governor Connally’s shirt from the day of the shooting was dry cleaned at Johnson’s request within 24 hours (McAdams 2004).   The car carrying the Kennedys and the Connallys was immediately cleaned a nd refurbished instead of being thoroughly examined for ballistic evidence.   This was also ordered by Lyndon B. Johnson (McAdams 2004). Any forensic evidence that may have been provided by these items was lost.Nobody will ever really know what happened that day in 1964.   However, it seems that the â€Å"facts† are clearly not what they seem and that the Warren Commission did not delve into the discrepancies too   deeply.   The theories mentioned here are all viable theories that were not examined closely, if at all, by the authorities. The idea of a â€Å"magic† bullet is preposterous.  Ã‚   It seems that something is being covered up. But what?ReferencesAnders, P. (1993). An Introduction to JFK Conspiracy Theories. Stay Free 4. Available from:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ [accessed 10 August 2006]Ayton, M. (no date).   Questions of Conspiracy. Spartacus UK. Available from: [accessed 10 August 2006 ]McAdams, J. (2004). The Kennedy Assassination. Available from: [accessed 10 August 2006]Odoni, Martin. (2005). Who Killed JFK?   Current Affairs. Available from:     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   [accessed 10 August 2006]

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Assessment Of For And As Learning Essay Example for Free

Assessment Of For And As Learning Essay Assessment of learning refers to strategies designed to confirm what students know, demonstrate whether or not they have met curriculum outcomes or the goals of their individualized programs, or to certify proficiency and make decisions about students’ future programs or placements. It is designed to provide evidence of achievement to parents, other educators, the students themselves, and sometimes to outside groups (e. g. , employers, other educational institutions). Assessment of learning is the assessment that becomes public and results in statements or symbols about how well students are learning. It often contributes to pivotal decisions that will affect students’ futures. It is important, then, that the underlying logic and measurement of assessment of learning be credible and defensible. Teachers’ Roles in Assessment of Learning Because the consequences of assessment of learning are often far-reaching and affect students seriously, teachers have the responsibility of reporting student learning accurately and fairly, based on evidence obtained from a variety of contexts and applications. Effective assessment of learning requires that teachers provide  ?a rationale for undertaking a particular assessment of learning at a particular point in time ?clear descriptions of the intended learning ?processes that make it possible for students to demonstrate their competence and skill ?a range of alternative mechanisms for assessing the same outcomes ?public and defensible reference points for making judgments ? Transparent approaches to interpretation ?descriptions of the assessment process ?strategies for recourse in the event of disagreement about the decisions With the help of their teachers, students can look forward to assessment of learning tasks as  occasions to show their competence, as well as the depth and breadth of their learning. ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Assessment for learning focuses on engaging students in classroom assessment in support of their own learning and informing teachers about what to do next to help students to progress. Assessment for learning is assessment for improvement not assessment for accountability as can be the case with summative assessments (Stiggins, 2002). The keys to Assessment for Learning (AFL) is to use a variety of assessment tools and methods in order to provide ongoing evidence to students, teachers and parents that demonstrates how  well each student is mastering the identified outcomes. This evidence is used to provide descriptive feedback to the students and to enable the teacher to differentiate the instruction to meet the needs of individual students or groups. ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING VS. ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING Gregory, Cameron, and Davies (1997) outline some distinct differences between Assessment for Learning and Assessment of Learning. Educators are using these terms to help distinguish between the teacher’s role as a learning coach versus the teacher’s role of judging the extent of a student’s achievement in relation to an established standard. This assessment is considered summative and is done at the end. 1. Assessment for learning is the big deal, while assessment of learning is the done deal. 2. Assessment for learning is formative, while assessment of learning is summative. 3. Assessment for learning is supportive, while assessment of learning measures. 4. Assessment for learning uses descriptions, while assessment of learning uses scores. 5. Assessment for learning happens day by day, moment by moment, while assessment of learning happens at the end. The assertion is that neither one is better than the other, but both need to be used within a  students learning so that the student is able to understand not only the work that is being asked of them, but also how their own learning occurs. Assessment for learning is intended to be both diagnostic and formative to help students improve their learning. Four critical questions that the teacher must ask when planning for assessment for learning: WHY AM I ASSESSING? If the intent of assessment is to enhance student learning teachers use assessment for learning to uncover what students believe to be true and to learn more about the connections students are making, their prior knowledge, preconceptions, gaps, and learning styles. This information is used to inform and differntiate instruction to build on what students already know and to challenge students when their are problems inhibiting progression to the next stages of learning. Teachers use this information to provide their students with descriptive feedback that will further their learning and not as a sumamtive assessment or to report a grade. WHAT AM I ASSESSING? Assessment for learning requires ongoing assessment of the outcomes that comprise the intended learning. In most cases these are the curriculum outcomes. Teachers create assessments that will  expose students’ thinking and skills in relation to the intended learning, and the common preconceptions. WHAT ASSESSMENT METHOD SHOULD I USE? When planning assessment for learning, the teacher must think about what assessment is designed to expose, and must decide which assessment approaches are most likely to give detailed information about what each student is thinking and learning. The methods need to incorporate a variety of ways for students to demonstrate their learning. For example, having students complete tasks orally or through visual representation allow those who are struggling  with reading or writing to demonstrate their learning. HOW CAN I USE THE INFORMA%ON? The information collected in assessment for learning is used to report to the student and by offering descriptive, on time feedback and to provide the teacher with information to allow for changes in instruction for individual students or groups of students. ASSESSMENT AS LEARNING Assessment as learning occurs when students are their own assessors. Students monitor their own learning, ask questions and use a range of strategies to decide what they know and can do, and  how to use assessment for new learning. Assessment as learning: ?encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning ?requires students to ask questions about their learning ?involves teachers and students creating learning goals to encourage growth and development ?provides ways for students to use formal and informal feedback and self-assessment to help them understand the next steps in learning ?encourages peer assessment, self-assessment and reflection. ROLES This assessment model supports the view of today’s learners as actively involved in the learning process. Students are educated on the purpose of assignments and the outcomes they are trying to achieve. Hence the teacher and the student both have critical roles in understanding learning outcomes and modifying learning in Assessment as Learning. Teacher Ensuring assessment methods are appropriate and the purpose is clear to students ensures quality and fair assessment practices as per the Principles for Fair Student Assessment in Canada (1993). Beyond choosing the learning outcomes to be covered, the activities to follow and the assessment methods, in Assessment as Learning, the teacher engages the students in this process. In Assessment as Learning, the teacher is a guide, â€Å"Giving them [students] the tools to undertake their own learning wisely and well. † (WNCP, p. 42) Students learn to monitor their own learning and make adaptations as required. In addition to monitoring learning and guiding instruction through assessment for learning, the teacher is assessing the students’ ability to assess themselves as they learn how to assess their own learning. Teachers can follow the following model in order to practice Assessment as Learning in their classroom: (adapted from WNCP, p. 42-43) 1. Discuss the learning outcomes with the students. 2. Create criteria with the students for the various tasks that need to be completed and/or skills that need to be learned or mastered 3. Provide feedback to students as they learn and ask them guiding questions to help them monitor their own learning 4. Help them set goals to extend or support their learning as needed in order to meet or fully meet the expectations 5. Provide reference points and examples for the learning outcomes Teachers are also responsible for ensuring that students have a learning environment in which they feel comfortable and safe to learn as well as have ample time to practise what is being  taught. Student Beyond completing the tasks assigned to them by their teacher, students move from the passive learner to an active owner of their own learning. Initially, with teacher guidance and tools, students learn to monitor if they have understood the learning outcome being explored and the metacognitive process. Once the metacognitive skills have been acquired, students can independently adjust their learning accordingly and demonstrate the â€Å"self-reflection, self- monitoring and self-adjustment. † (WNCP, 2006, p. 85) Extensive and relevant modeling in the questions below can help students reach this point: 1. What is the purpose of learning these concepts and skills? 2. What do I know about this topic? 3. What strategies do I know that will help me learn this? 4. Am I understanding these concepts? 5. What are the criteria for improving my work? 6. Have I accomplished the goals I set for myself? What is self-assessment? According to Boud (1995), all assessment including self-assessment comprises two main elements: making decisions about the standards of performance expected and then making judgments about the quality of the performance in relation to these standards. When self-assessment is introduced, it should ideally involve students in both of these aspects. Andrade and Du (2007) provide a helpful definition of self-assessment that focuses on the formative learning that it can promote: Self-assessment is a process of formative assessment during which students reflect on and evaluate the quality of their work and their learning, judge the degree to which they reflect explicitly stated goals or criteria, identify strengths and weaknesses in their work, and revise accordingly (2007, p. 160). EXAMPLES OF SELF-ASSESSMENT Self-assessment can take many forms, including: ?writing conferences ?discussion (whole-class or small-group) ?reflection logs ?weekly self-evaluations ?self-assessment checklists and inventories ?teacher-student interviews These types of self-assessment share a common theme: they ask students to review their work to determine what they have learned and what areas of confusion still exist. Although each method differs slightly, all should include enough time for students to consider thoughtfully and evaluate their progress. When students understand the criteria for good work before they begin a literacy activity, they are more likely to meet those criteria. The key to this understanding is to make the criteria clear. As students evaluate their work, you may want them to set up their own criteria for good work. Help them with the clarity of their criteria as they assess their own work. Students’ observations and reflections can also provide valuable feedback for refining your instructional plan. As your students answer questions about their learning and the strategies they use, think about their responses to find out what they are really learning and to see if they are learning what you are teaching them. K-W-L (KNOW, WANT TO KNOW, LEARNED) CHART. K-W-L (Ogle, 1986) is an instructional reading strategy that is used to guide students through a text. Students begin by brainstorming everything they Know about a topic. This information is recorded in the K column of a K-W-L chart. Students then generate a list of questions about what they Want to Know about the topic. These questions are listed in the W column of the chart. During or after reading, students answer the questions that are in the W column. This new information that they have Learned is recorded in the L column of the K-W-L chart. Purpose The K-W-L strategy serves several purposes: Elicits students’ prior knowledge of the topic of the text. ?Sets a purpose for reading. ?Helps students to monitor their comprehension. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Donna Ogle asserts that KWL helps students become better readers of expository text and helps teachers to be more interactive in their teaching (Ogle, 1987). KWL charts help students to be active thinkers while they read (Carr & Ogle, 1987), giving them specific things to look for and having them reflect on what they learned when they are finished reading. In learning, metacognition involves the active monitoring and conscious control and regulation  of cognitive processes. It involves thinking about thinking, self-awareness, and self-regulation (Flavell, 1979). The metacognitive strategy of self-questioning is used to ensure that students comprehend the text. When students set their own purposes for reading, they are more motivated and active as readers. Each student has a schema, or a framework for how they view the world. Accessing a student’s prior knowledge is the first step in integrating new concepts into their existing schema. KWL charts help activate background knowledge and provide an opportunity for students to set their own learning objectives. Assessment Of For And As Learning. (2016, Sep 26).

Friday, September 27, 2019

Debt Crises in the Least Developed Countries (LDC) and the Impact of Essay

Debt Crises in the Least Developed Countries (LDC) and the Impact of the Debt Reforms in LDC - Essay Example This paper dedicated to the problem of the unsustainable external debt and its repayment in in the least developed countries (LDU), which is considered an impediment to their economic growth and development. The report by the UN found out that there is a high probability that any LDC that exports primary commodities has an unsustainable external debt and that there is a close association between falling and volatile commodity prices and unsustainable external debt. The debt problem of commodity-exporting LDCs is rooted in the low level of domestic resource mobilization, low rates of return on investment, the vulnerability to external shocks and slow export growth. For debt sustainability to be achieved, the rate of growth of exports must be greater than the rate of interest on outstanding debt. Although high levels of debt can depress economic growth in low-income countries, external debt slows growth only after its face value reaches a threshold level estimated to be about 50 percent of GDP. A major challenge LDCs face is ensuring that a reasonable resource level is allocated for debt servicing to avoid the risk of default and to maintain conducive relations for debt relief negotiations with its debtors Governments must make efforts to stabilize commodity prices, perk up their levels of domestic resource mobilization, increase rates of return on investments and raise export growth, and finally protect themselves from external shocks. Debt reform not only includes maintaining a manageable level of debt but also decreasing corruption incidence in LDCs, allocating a reasonable resource level for debt servicing to avoid the risk of default, without sacrificing than they can afford to invest in basic health care or education.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Fundimental of microboilogy Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Fundimental of microboilogy - Term Paper Example The catalase test is a biochemical test that can be used to identify between Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp. The enzyme catalase contains a heme group and detoxifies hydrogen peroxide. The basic theory used in their identification is that one is catalase positive (Staphylococcus spp.) while other one (Streptococcus spp.) is catalase negative. If gas formation (O2) is observed in the form of bubbles, then it ensures that the sample of bacteria has a catalase; it is an indication of presence of Staphylococcus spp. Otherwise, on no gas formation, the sample contains Streptococcus spp. Non-selective medium is employed when organisms are present in low numbers. This also provides an indication about the type of organism present in the sample. The use of selective medium is to isolate the desired organism present in the mixed sample Nutrient agar is ideal as a non-selective culture medium to grow a large variety of microorganisms. In order to isolate microorganism from the agar plate, the part of colony is taken to a new agar plate. The streak-plate method can be employed as it reduces density of the microorganisms on the surface of the agar. This facilitates to obtain the distinct colonies of the microorganisms of our interest by using selective media (Selective and Differential Media 2012) Selective media inhibit the growth of some organism while promote growth of others. Selective inhibition is done by adding salts, dyes or specific inhibitors affecting the metabolism of the organisms. Crystal violet or penicillin will inhibit the growth of Gram-positive bacteria. Based on this philosophy, Tellurite agar is employed as media to identify for Gram-positive organisms. When gram negative organisms are to be selected or identified, the agar with penicillin (5-50- units/ml) is used (Selective and Differential Media 2012). Selective but differential media are

High Oil and Gas Prices Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

High Oil and Gas Prices - Research Paper Example Global oil consumption has been another main reason (Millender-McDonald 1). China being one of the leading oil importing countries has added to the global oil demand by its continuous progress. The automobile industry in the United States has also added to the global oil consumption as it consumes around one-fourth of the total global oil. So is the case with US chemical industry (Liveris 1). The surge in oil demand has resulted because of low interest rates all over the world. Moreover, investors invest in oil business so as to minimize the risk of devaluation of their other businesses because when oil prices rise, the cost of all investments and businesses also rise (crack spread) which results in greater revenues and profits, and this makes the oil prices go up (Overdahl 3). Unfortunate events, like Hurrican Katrina and Rita, also caused oil prices to rise (Matthews 1). Jeffords, James M. â€Å"Clean Air Regulations and Natural Gas Prices.† Congressional Testimony,. MAS Ultra - School Edition, 2006. Web. 16 Sep 2011. . Liveris, Andrew. â€Å"Natural Gas Supply and Prices.† FDCH Congressional Testimony. MAS Ultra - School Edition, 2005. Web. 16 Sep 2011. . Matthews, Dan. â€Å"Mitigating Impact of High Gas Prices.† FDCH Congressional Testimony. MAS Ultra - School Edition, 2005. Web. 16 Sep 2011. . Millender-McDonald, Juanita. â€Å"Effect of High Natural Gas Prices on Small Businesses.† FDCH Congressional Testimony. MAS Ultra - School Edition, 2006. Web. 16 Sep 2011. . Overdahl, James A. (2005). â€Å"Rising gasoline Prices.† FDCH Congressional

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Project Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Project Planning - Essay Example This project plan would help in optimally utilizing the available resources. Designing WBS in a proper fashion will help to understand the cost control techniques and the scheduling techniques that are needed to be adopted to ensure a smooth flow of operations in order to complete the project within the pre-determined time. Proper planning forms the backbone of any process or task that needs to be accomplished successfully. Planning would help to understand the resources that would be needed to complete the project and whether those resources are available or not. It would also enable in understanding the risks that are associated in completing the project within the stipulated time frame. To meet the project deadlines, the suppliers need to be identified. Local suppliers should be contracted to avoid the possibility of construction bottlenecks resulting from the non availability of raw materials at the required point of time. Distant suppliers should not be contracted as this would incur additional costs and make the accomplishment of the project objectives difficult within the specified timeframe. ... Measures should be taken so that the suppliers get to know when the stock has to be replenished and they can accordingly supply the raw materials which would ensure smooth flow of the construction process. Planning should be done to implement quality checks at the right time so that all the suppliers supply the same quality of raw materials. Being the project manager, it needs to be acknowledged that poor raw materials can pose as a potential blockage to the successful completion of the project. Usage of poor raw materials can lead to the crash of the newly constructed extension of the building. This might harm the inhabitants of the house and cause serious damages. So as a project manager, stringent quality checks must be installed to ensure that such type of incidents does not occur. Moreover, as the company has planned to outsource the work related with the fitting of Corgi boiler, extensive research should be done to identify the contractors to whom this work can be outsourced. Tenders should be invited and the contractor who has quoted the lowest price and at the same time offers quality services, should be chosen as the right person to do the necessary electric works. The nature of skilled workforce required to meet the project deadlines should be identified and the availability of such skilled workers must be cross checked. As the project is of shorter duration, to control costs, it was decided that daily wage labourers would be used to complete the work. Some workers would be kept reserved so that, if one of the masons' fails to turn up one day it would not create a barrier as far as the completion of the required work on that day is concerned. For developing a proper planning about the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Copper Mining in Australia Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Copper Mining in Australia - Case Study Example According to the discussion coming third after chile and USA, Australia has 6 per cent of total global resources. Given the impressive significance of this mineral, this paper is designed to give a deep analysis concerning it. The paper will cover in depth the significance of the mineral and give a deep understanding of the mineral by covering entirely all the necessary areas of the mineral with a particular focus on Olympic Dam which is its primary producer in South Australia. It will also cover copper’s mining, manufacturing and processing process and elaborate further on its market and distribution. This paper outlines that World Mining Corporation (WMC) is Australia’s leading copper producer, with Olympic Dam Mine dominating the production. As for the other copper producers in Australia, copper is produced as a co product of Gold mining operations. In the year 2003, Olympic Dam Mine alone produced 160,080 of the 869,000 tons of copper produced in Australia. It is ranked 8th largest ore reservoir in the world and its reserves approximated at 566Mt grading at 2 per cent copper, o.6 per cent Uranium, and o.7 per cent Gold. WMC Resources Ltd in May 2004 affirmed a 50 million pound likelihood study preference purposed to expand the mine and develop a preferred plan for its survival by the year 2006. Initial assessments have affirmed that Olympic Dam has the capacity to produce up to 350,000 tons of copper per year if its underground mining is expanded and effectively utilized. Nifty copper mine is primarily operated by Straits Resources Ltd, a company that purchased it from t he main operator (WMC) at 47 million dollars. New South Wales’s (NSW) Girilambone Copper mine is also operated by Straits. In this site, the company holds A60% interest and still it is the operator with Nord Pacific possessing the other 40% interest. More to the point, Osborn Copper-gold mine is operated by Placer Dome Ltd.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Anatomy and physiology, Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Anatomy and physiology, Economics - Essay Example In this essay, the effects of cigarette smoking on the health of people and the economy of the nation will be discussed. According to the CDC, in the United States, about 19.8 percent of all individuals over 18 years of age smoke cigarettes. It has been estimated that 43.4 million people in the country resort to smoking. The activity is more in men than in women, While 22.3 percent of men smoke, only 17.4 percent of women smoke. The highest incidence of smoking is between the age groups 18- 44 years and the lowest incidence is in the age group beyond 65 years. American Indians/ Alaska Natives have the highest incidence rates of smoking amongst ethnics groups, the rate being as high as 36.4 percent. The lowest rate is seen amongst Asians (9.6 percent). In the year 2007, it was estimated that 20 percent of high school students resorted to smoking (CDC, 2009). The rates were similar in girls and boys. While 21 percent of boys were smoker, 19 percent of girls were smokers. As far as ethnic groups were concerned, 23 percent of White high school students, 12 percent of Hispanic high school children and 12 percent of African American students were smokers. Every day, approximately 2900 young people between 12- 17 years of age group resort to their first experience of smoking (CDC, 2009). Smoking is associated with many health-related problems and hence is a major health-related issue. It is a leading cause of illness and death all over the world and also in United States. It affects almost every organ of the body, causes many diseases and reduces the general health of the smoker. It has been estimated that 1 in every 5 deaths in the United States is related to cigarette smoking. Every year about 438,000 deaths occur due to cigarette smoking (CDC, 2009). According to CDC, for every single individual who dies due to cigarette smoking, 20 more people suffer from atleast one serious ill effects of smoking.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Breast Cancer Essay Example for Free

Breast Cancer Essay Is it true that wearing ‘underwired’ brassieres bring about cancer? Can breast cancer be treated? Are there signs and symptoms that individuals can check to know if breast cancer really occurs in them? These are just some of the essential questions that this paper will attempt to answer. It will also attain to reintroduce breast cancer’s definition, history of recovery, signs and causes, statistical information, diagnosis, breast cancer myths, risk factors, as well as, treatment. Definition   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A 34-year-old woman, named Susan has been told by the family doctor that she has a breast cancer. When she asked about it, the doctor initially explained it as â€Å"a type of cancer that forms in tissues of the breasts, typically in the ducts or the areas where milk goes through till it reaches the nipple, as well as, the lobules or the glands which produces milk† (National.. n.p.). History of Discovery The doctor also told Susan that the aforementioned disease has been observed in Egypt way back in approximately 1600 BC (Wikipedia n.p.). Back then he stated that, â€Å"tumors of the breasts were addressed or treated by cauterization through an instrument they technically refer to as the fire drill though they openly admitted that there is no cure for such† (Wikipedia n.p.). The doctor also added that, centuries later experts found â€Å"a relationship between the lymph nodes found in the armpits and cancer of the breast, in fact, Jean Louis Petit and Benjamin Bell were the first ones to get rid of the lymph nodes, breast tissue, as well as, a primary muscle in the chest† (Wikipedia n.p.). The doctor, to make Susan stay calm, mentioned that such surgery has been very successful thus it was also done by William Halsted during the next century or 1882 to be exact, in fact, until the 1970’s, this procedure remained to be the most successful surgical procedure to address the aforementioned condition (Wikipedia n.p.). Signs and Symptoms   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Since Susan was complaining about the physical changes in her body that she observed prior to be being diagnosed as having breast cancer, the doctor also told her that the signs and symptoms of breast cancer include the following: First of all, if there is a lump in the breast then there is a possibility that a person has breast cancer (Mayo.. n.p.). Second, there is also a probability that breast cancer may occur if the nipple/s of an individual discharges blood and has a lump that goes along with it (Mayo.. n.p.). Third, there may be an occurrence of breast cancer if there exist a â€Å"retraction, flattening, or indentation of the nipple† (Mayo.. n.p.). Fourth, if the size of the breast and its contours changes, then it is possible that breast cancer is in existence (Mayo.. n.p.). Last but not least, redness of the skin on the breast area may signify breast cancer as well (Mayo.. n.p.). Upon hearing the aforementioned, Susan remembers that she mainly complained about sign symptoms number one in the right breast, something she has been complaining about for about 16 months. Statistical Information   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Susan has been feeling weird and a little scared and so she decided to look into medical and health magazines, internet sites, as well as, books to check if she is going to make it or not, if she’s going to die etcetera and here’s a statistical information that she stumbled upon: 1) â€Å"Deaths brought about by breast cancer already reached forty thousand four hundred sixty (40,460) for females and four hundred fifty for the males (450)† (National.. n.p.); 2) â€Å"Unfortunately, there are new cases reported as well, there are one hundred seventy eight thousand four hundred eighty (178, 480) females and two thousand and thirty (2,030) males now who currently have breast cancer† (National.. n.p.). And the aforementioned is in the United States only (National.. n.p.); 3) â€Å"In the United Kingdom, on the other hand, twelve thousand four hundred (12,400) individuals or more die each year because of breast cancer† (National.. n.p.). In fact, in 2003 alone, there were forty three thousand and seven hundred fifty six women and there were three hundred thirty five (335) men who were diagnosed and reported to have breast cancer (National.. n.p.). Diagnosis   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   During that time, Susan was also in denial that is why she researched on her own. She found out that: Breast cancer may be diagnosed through the following: 1) breast self-examination; 2) clinical breast exam; 3) mammogram including screening mammograms, diagnostic mammograms; 4) computer-aided detection; 5) digital mammography; 6) magnetic resonance imaging; 7) â€Å"ultrasonography†; 8) ductal lavage; 9) molecular breast imaging; 10) diagnostic procedures like ultrasound; 11) biopsy including fine-needle aspiration biopsy, core-needle biopsy, stereotactic biopsy, wire localization, surgical biopsy; 12) estrogen and progesterone receptor tests; 13) staging tests; and 14) genetic tests (Mayo.. n.p.).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   During this time, she was already prepared to believe that she really does not have breast cancer because she had a mammogram performed in March 1989 and again in February 1999, wherein, the results both showed that it is normal. Although, she had to try to accept it or at least entertain that it might be true when an ultrasound was also carried out where it was detected that a fibrocystic lump exists and that it was benign. Breast Cancer Myths After the detection of the fibrocystic lump, Susan began to reflect on her way of life, what could have caused the lump to exist inside of her body†¦she actually thought that it may be because of her use of deodorants, ‘underwired’ brassieres, stress from work, as well as, injury to the breasts which she got from playing basketball when she was in college and still a part of a varsity team. It is not very surprising that Susan thought of those as the primary reasons for the lump since there are so many myths that are related to breast cancer and some of the most popular ones are the following: First of all, some individuals claim that deodorants bring about breast cancer, however, currently, no studies have been carried out yet that may confirm or deny such belief of some people (Breast.. n.p.).   Second, some people think that wearing ‘underwired’ brassieres bring about cancer (Breast.. n.p.). Just like the first myth though, no evidence have been found to conclude such a statement (Breast.. n.p.). Third, there are individuals who think that stress can bring about breast cancer, however, research studies have not yet been able to establish an extremely clear link to conclude that such is really possible (Breast.. n.p.). Fourth, there are people who claim that â€Å"living near electricity pylons cause breast cancer† but no evidences have been presented ever since that breast cancer may be associated to electricity pylons (Breast.. n.p.).    Fifth, some individuals say that an injury to the breast augments the probability that breast cancer may occur (Breast.. n.p.). However, no evidences have been presented to back up such claim (Breast.. n.p.). Sixth, people claim that females who are young are more likely to be detected with breast cancer (Breast.. n.p.). Well, statistical information denies this, in fact, eighty percent of all the cases in the UK occur in females who are already fifty years old and above (Breast.. n.p.). Seventh, there are individuals who believe that if a person feels pain or discomfort in his or her breasts, then it is already safe to say that an individual is suffering from breast cancer (Breast.. n.p.). However, experts explain that there are so many reasons why breasts may be painful, for instance, this may be related to the menstrual cycle (Breast.. n.p.). Eighth, some people say that getting pregnant increases the probability of suffering from breast cancer later (Breast.. n.p.). On the contrary, experts have found evidence linking early pregnancy to breast cancer risk being reduced (Breast.. n.p.). They also reiterated that the more babies a woman gives birth to then the lower the risk of getting such cancer (Breast.. n.p.). In light of the detection of the lump, instead of getting more focused with the myths, Susan should have gotten a second opinion. If in case she did that, and the biopsy results will show that an â€Å"infiltrating lobular carcinoma† already exists and that it is already in stage IIa then a more extensive treatment would be provided to her. Risk Factors   Ã‚   The aforementioned are really just myths, they were never provided with evidences to establish that those are really linked with breast cancer. Susan was told by her doctor that the main risk factors for breast cancer, actually, include the following: 1) age; 2) age of menarche; 3) age at birth of first-born child; 4) biopsies of the breast; 5) family history; 6) occupation; 7) race; 8) hormone replacement therapy, as well as, 9) alcohol (Hales 105). Susan is only thirty four years old, never had any children, used to engage herself in binge drinking during college, and an aunt of hers had breast cancer years ago. As we can see, most of the risk factors are present in Susan’s case. Treatment            According to the experts Susan spoke to, â€Å"Breast cancer may be annihilated and for that to occur: 1) either lumpectomy or mastectomy should be carried out; 2) radiation may also be helpful; 3) drugs like taxol, taxotere, and herceptin may be taken; 4) chemotherapy; as well as, 5) hormonal therapy may be undergone by the patient† (Hales 105). Because her treatment options have been clearly explained to her, she decided to have a â€Å"right modified radical mastectomy† following a reconstruction immediately (Hales 105). During the surgery â€Å"eight lymph nodes were annihilated and the biopsy gave out a negative result† (Hales 105). After which Susan underwent chemotherapy as part of her post-surgical treatment which made her experience side effects including loss of hair and anorexia (Hales 105). Last but not least, she was also made to take in drugs named Cytoxan and prednisone (Hales 105). References       Breast Cancer Care. Statistics and Facts About Breast Cancer. 2004. Cancer Research, UK. 15 June 2007 Hales, D. An Invitation to Health, Eleventh Edition. Boston: Thomson Wadsworth, 2005. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Breast Cancer.   29 December 2006. n.a.. 15 June 2007. National Cancer Institute. Breast Cancer. n.d. n.a. 15 June 2007   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Wikipedia. Breast Cancer. 14 June 2007. Wikimedia Foundation Inc., 15 June 2007.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Case Study: Mathematics In Primary School

Case Study: Mathematics In Primary School During a childs early years it is vital to develop the cognitive and social skills that will allow them to generate a foundation of knowledge and a basic set of skills for learning, which can be applied and developed throughout the rest of their schooling and adult life. This begins with the parental and familial influence on the child and progresses through their Primary School years and interaction with teachers and peers. Communication between parents, teacher and child are therefore of vital importance. Without these ingredients, a child may not achieve their full potential. For the reasons noted above it is necessary to ensure that the mathematical ability of young pupils is well established in the early years setting. A number of recommendations which have implications for pupils and Early Years practitioners are made in the Williams report and will be reviewed below. The impact of parental influence on the developing child is immeasurable. As such it is critical to ensure that the mathematical ability of, and teaching method used by parents is sufficient to understand and teach their child in a way which is relevant to the current syllabus (parents mathematical skills may be weak or outdated). It is also important for parents to encourage positivity towards mathematics this is only possible if they are confident with mathematics themselves. Provision of programmes, such as Sure Start, Effective Provision of Pre-School Education and the work of Parent Support Advisors, aim to achieve this and should continue to receive funding to break the continuing cycle of negativity towards mathematics. It is the responsibility of the Early Years teacher, with specific regard to mathematics, to: Form effective bonds with pupils to affect their learning (one of the key features of Early Years Foundation Stage). Treat the child as a unique individual and adapt pedagogy accordingly, creating an enabling environment for all pupils. Generate interest in the subject matter. Provide basic skills in the core mathematical operations. It is suggested that learning goals should be expanded to include time and capacity. This seems a logical expansion of the core mathematical concepts and will allow for accelerated understanding of the more difficult concepts. Challenge the pupil and generate progression of knowledge, thinking skills and learning methods. However, the child must not be overloaded. Assess progress or lack thereof (allowing generation of the childs Individual Education Plan), provide intervention if necessary, supervise the intervention and correctly assess and acknowledge progress. Involve parents in the childs learning process and provide feedback, especially if the child needs extra support. This can bring the childs ability in-line with peers and prevent the child from falling behind. This is also important in the converse scenario; it is important to challenge a gifted pupil. Parents can be influential here. Assist in the generation of a positive attitude towards Mathematics for pupil and parent(s)/guardian(s). Ensure that the childs confidence is maintained and therefore retain the childs appetite for new learning. Therefore it is vital that teachers develop an effective pedagogy. This process begins with the development of teaching strategies through Initial Teacher Training (ITT) and is enhanced through continuous professional development (CPD). The application of effective pedagogy includes focusing learning appropriately (with guidance from the syllabus), creating realistic yet challenging and tailored educational aims, implementing a well honed teaching technique to achieve educational aims, supported by sufficient subject knowledge. Provision of quality teaching shares a linear relationship with the mean qualification level of all staff. Consequently it is suggested that the DCSF continues to increase the proportion of graduate practitioners in early years settings recognising the respective contributions of the Qualified Teacher. This provides further support for the direction of all staff toward CPD which should be tailored around childrens understanding of mathematical concepts and way s of learning. Effective Early Years mathematical pedagogy must support children in developing new skills, generating the ability to understand and analyse mathematical concepts, and eventually to evaluate and apply those concepts to problem solving tasks. The learning environment should make mathematics less stressful from an early age. With Early Years pupils in mind it is important to utilise play and daily routines to generate interest in numeracy and mathematical problem solving. Simple activities can carry a mathematical concept such as division by sharing, addition/subtraction in weighing activities, assessing shape etc. To continue the cycle, mathematical exercises must be fun to retain the childs interest and expand confidence. Involving peers in problem solving tasks expands social skills and provides partners for discussion whilst knowledge is improved. The head teacher and management team should prioritise and manage professional development opportunities to develop subject knowledge and pedagogy, through learning, coaching and mentoring initiatives for all staff members. It must be ensured that this is not detrimental to contact time. Williams review would encourage the inclusion of a mathematics component in the CPD programme for head teachers themselves. The head teacher must manage resources in-line with the advice of the management team regarding finance available for manpower and learning aids. It is appropriate for the head teacher to appoint subject leaders who become subject specialists, capable of training and supporting other teachers. Ultimately the head teacher and management team are responsible for demonstrating and coaching good practice to their staff. The head teacher should encourage their staff to deliver the curriculum content to emphasis connections between various mathematical concepts. It is important to note that mathematical concepts and the analysis and evaluation of these concepts cannot occur in the absence of English language skills. Pupils and teacher must be comfortable with mathematical language. Problems with language can cause a cyclical reduction of confidence which generates a lack of motivation and ultimately lack of progress. If the child does experience a difficulty in either numeracy or literacy, some form of intervention should be utilised to raise the attainment level of the child. This can be one of three waves of intervention based within the Primary National Strategy. The three waves are of increasing intensity and correlate largely with the group size requiring intervention. The Every Child Counts programme is delivered during wave 3 intervention and targets year 2 pupils who are not expected to achieve expected levels of attainment by the end of Key Stage 1. Currently in its second year of development, for national application in 2010-11, Every Child Counts aims to develop a highly effective numeracy intervention for young children with the greatest difficulties in mathematics ( In support of this aim, Every Child Counts provides training and support for teachers. However, teachers must ensure that their CPD targets allow them to effectively deliver any intervention which they deem necessary for the pupils in their care. Understanding intervention, when it is necessary and its importance should be included within the content of ITT understanding of these factors in the early part of a teachers career allows them to apply the principles during delivery of high quality teaching tailored to each chil d on a daily basis (rather than as purely remedial action). As noted earlier, the childs familial and social situation impact upon their education. As such, the Every Child Counts programme is developed in line with the Every Child a Chance Trust which aims to maximise the achievement of children from socially disadvantaged groups. However, it is important to note that wave 3 intervention delivered through the Every Child Counts scheme is targeted at the 5% lowest attaining pupils nationally, not the lowest 5% in each school. This decision has to be based upon time and resources, the availability of specialists to deliver the intervention and costs of the aforementioned it is impossible to provide intervention for all. Unfortunately this leaves a number of pupils without the support they need. As such it must be a long-term target to provide intervention for more children to prevent disadvantaging one over another. According to the Williams report, wave 1 intervention involves quality first teaching in a daily mathematics lesson. This suggests that quality teaching of mathematics is provided only when remedial action becomes necessary, perhaps this is due to a lack of confidence of the teacher with mathematics. Regardless of the specific reason for this assertion, it has implications for teachers and trainee teachers. ITT and CPD courses must also ensure that their mathematical ability, and confidence with mathematics, is high. Furthermore, it is suggested that a Mathematics Specialist is employed to ensure delivery of high quality teaching in mathematics through support of teachers and assistance with intensive wave three interventions. Any intervention technique/programme has a number of essential components/considerations; (i) assessment, (ii) timing, (iii) duration, (iv) withdrawal from regular schooling, (v) group size, (vi) the intervention leader, (vii) intervention resources and (viii) parents. It is critical to continually monitor the progress of all pupils (in comparison with peers and themselves) in order to accurately assess the need for intervention. The assessment phase should highlight goals for and the likely timing of the intervention based on attainment, without negative impact upon the childs confidence in their achievements or ability. Continual assessment through the programme will update the duration of the intervention (determined during assessment. It is suggested that implementation of Every Child Counts is appropriate in Year 2 is timely and practical and will appropriately limit the pressure on Year 1 teachers and pupils. The supportive and corrective intervention programme must not be detrimental to, the need for the pupil to continue learning in other subjects. The intervention must also prevent isolation from peers. Wave 2 intervention is often able to ensure that pupils are brought up-to-speed with the rest of the class whilst receiving the remedial action they require. With this in mind, it is also important to consider the group size used in any intervention. As noted by Dowkers review of the research conducted by Denvir and Brown (1986b), pupils are more relaxed and positive when taught in a group but can often be distracted by others. This has been reflected in the research phase of Every Child Counts. The head teacher and staff must collaborate on the choice to stream children to support the provision of teaching which stretches all pupils. It becomes more difficult to tailor the intervention activities to the unique needs of each child if they are provided in a group session. Progress assessments can also become difficult if the child hides during comprehension activities. It is therefore necessary to balance the benefits against the consequences of group based intervention. The intervention leader and resources needed must be selected according to the level of support required to sufficiently increase attainment; delivery can be undertaken by the class teacher, teaching assistant, Mathematics Specialist (as suggested by Williams) or parents. Cost factors must also be considered, for example, it is more economical for a teaching assistant to deliver a group intervention than a highly qualified teacher or specialist to deliver one-to-one intervention. It is important to ensure that parents understand and are committed to the intervention and provide learning support at home. It is important for the head teacher to allocate time to assess progress of Year 2 pupils with teachers throughout the year allowing them to plan and manage the timetabling and allocation of/need for resources, including intervention resources. To summarise, best practice in teaching mathematics gives children an understanding and appreciation of mathematics. This requires and effective pedagogy which generates progression of knowledge and understanding. The teacher must be confident, inventive and possess excellent communication skills. ITT is central to developing these skills which should be supported by subject-specific Specialists and CPD programmes provided by the Head teacher. Quality teaching and Intervention and programmes such as Every Child Counts must be regarded as an investment in a childs abilities at an early stage to allow them to contribute positively to the economy in adult life. The head teacher and management team must consider the suggestion to employ and manage a Mathematics Specialist and recruit staff who can deliver effective teaching in collaboration with TAs and parents. Work referenced: accessed on 30 August 2010